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Economics discussed over lunch at Stinger's (1)

By LESLIE SIEGER from AM News BLACKFOOT Stingers Bar and Grill was packed Wednesday when area Great Blackfoot Chamber of Commerce members gathered to listen to Jan Rogers, CEO of the Regional Economic Development Corporation for East Idaho (RED!), speak at the group's luncheon. REDI is an organization whose mission is to help strengthen the economies of the 14 counties of Eastern Idaho through retaining and attracting businesses. Rogers discussed marketing strategies to spread the word about Eastern Idaho and to attract new business and help existing businesses to expand. "We are nestled between a national wilderness and two national parks," Rogers said. "We are bookended by two universities," Rogers said. "We want to express that so others will know about the wonders we have here in Eastern Idaho." Rogers presented a talent attraction video depicting what Eastern Idaho has to offer professionally and recreationally. "In the finals it's about the community and how you take care of them (businesses)," Rogers said. "It's the intangibles that are closing the deals and nobody does that better than Idaho." Rogers commended ethic, independence and their work straight forwardness. When asked what they are doing for this generation Rogers responded "We are going to put together 1O focus groups of millennials to learn what they are looking for." Before joining REDI, Rogers was the Executive Director for Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization (SEIDO) for 14 years. She has spoken at several national state and local economic development conferences and is currently on the board of directors of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).

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