4310 Yellowstone Avenue

Address: 4310 Yellowstone Avenue

Latitude: 42.9117246
Longitude: -112.4659191

Price: $0.00

Square Footage: 0.91 Ac

Year Built: 1990

Address: 4310 Yellowstone Avenue

City: Chubbuck

ZipCode: 83202

Building Square Feet: 4,657 SF

County: Bannock

Property Type: Available Building

Zoning: Commercial


Retail property with prime interstate visibility for lease or ground lease in Chubbuck, ID!

Retail space with 0.91-acre lot.

Ground lease: $105,000/yr

It is a hard corner site next to Rehional Mall and Walmart Supercenter.

Highest traffic counts in the market.

Immediate I-86 access and visibility.

TOK Commercial - Eastern Idaho Office
900 Pier View Drive, Ste 204
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Main Phone: 208.227.8148
